Course Description


Samantha Rodgers

Eating Clean changed my life way back in 2008 (before kids), when I could spend hours searching cookbooks, blogs and family recipes to create the perfect Clean menu for the week.  It was fabulous.Then I had a child.  My world went from "clean and feeling amazing" to "zombie eating a croissant sandwich every day" (not kidding).  Adjusting to all the things that come with being a new parent was hard enough, but by not feeding my body well, I was falling into a deep abyss that made everything harder.  I was barely surviving, I knew the better path to take and when I finally put my foot down and went back to eating Clean, I went from surviving to thriving.We all have the same 24-hours in a day, so why are some people able to get more done?  It comes down to how we use our time.I'm not a trained chef.  I am an expert in process change management... say what? Before starting Eating Clean, Cooking Dirty (ECCD), I worked with companies to create and implement processes that helped them use their time more efficiently. I took that expertise, compounded it with an unwavering commitment to the importance of clean delicious food for all and created Weekly Meal Plan and Prep Guides that will change the way you feed yourself and your people.  

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week 7

    • On Your Plate this Week

    • CLEAN 100

    • CLEAN 80/20